Marta Solé

Researcher at the Laboratory of Applied Bioacustics (LAB)

Bsc (1993) in Biology (University of Barcelona)

Master (2002) in Experimental Biology (University of Barcelona / Research and Development Center of Barcelona. CID–CSIC).

Master (1994-95) in Engineering and Environmental Management (UPC, Catalonian Institute of Technology).

PhD (2012)in Environmental Engineering (UPC).Thesis title:"Statocyst sensory epithelia ultrastructural analysis of Cephalopods exposed to noise"

Worked (1997-2000) on the industrial hatchery production of cephalopods in private enterprise (ECOMAR, SL), and in monitoring the impact produced by the traditional fishing and trawling in cephalopod stocks (Kabala Program 1998-1999/Institute of Ocean Sciences - CSIC).

In the LAB she is studying the effects of exposure to artificial sound sources and noise pollution in invertebrates and fish.

Projets Publications